Hot Topics for HOAs

While some topics will always need to be dealt with and worked around in an HOA, other topics seem to come and go. These might be based on legislation in other locales, developing technology, or an increased awareness of certain aspects of life. No matter what they are based on, though, it’s important to address them as they come up.
Here are some current hot topics that HOA boards are dealing with.
Fire Safety
This one is Florida-specific, though other states are writing and passing legislation on these issues, too. If your condo complex did not update its sprinkler system according to the criteria dictated by the government by the end of 2019, it could face serious legal charges.
However, there is some confusion about the application of this law. It’s unclear whether buildings needed to have the work finished by 2019 or whether it just needed to be under contract to do so. Some building owners seem to be hoping that the legislation will be overturned before they have to pay for the upgrades. If your board hasn’t taken care of this already, you can consult with an engineer to determine what needs to happen in your building.
Drone Usage
As drones become more and more popular, their usage becomes more and more regulated and an HOA isn’t immune from that. Addressing these issues now could save you quite a bit of hassle later on. Determine things like how far up airspace goes, where people are allowed to use drones, and whether your HOA will work with delivery companies to allow them to land drones in order to deliver packages.
Closed Sessions
Some places around the country are changing the rules around what a board can do in a closed session. Make sure that you are up-to-date on the rules in your area so you don’t accidentally violate them.
In some places, the rules are actually getting more relaxed. In Illinois, for instance, boards are now allowed to consult with a lawyer without adjourning their closed sessions.
Complaint Processes
If you don’t have a process by which homeowners can file complaints against the association, it’s time to develop one. Some states are starting to outline these at the state level, while others
are requiring each association to have a policy that is in compliance with certain specifications. Make sure your homeowners can be heard and that you’re following all the relevant laws.
The Unpredictable Economy
The economy has been unpredictable over the last year and experts predict another downturn soon. Plan ahead, using what you’ve learned from previous downturns so that changes to the economy aren’t devastating for your HOA.
If you need help determining what the laws are for HOAs in your area, contact us at AMI today. Our legal teams can get you the information you need and help you develop plans to bring your HOA into compliance. Call today to get our experts working for you! We’d love to help your whole community live better.
Lakewood Ranch:
9031 Town Center Parkway
Bradenton, Florida 34202
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Tel: 941.359.1134
Fax: 941.359.1089
899 Woodbridge Dr.
Venice FL 34293
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Tel: 941.493.0287
Fax: 941.493.4290
Longboat Key:
595 Bay Isles Road, Suite 200
Longboat Key, Florida 34228
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Tel: 941.383.3200
Fax: 941.383.3210