Contact Info
RFP Info
What is the legal name of the Association?:
Address of the Community:
How many units/homes are in the community?:
Type of Association (Single Family Home community, Condominium, Cooperative):
If Condominium, total number of building:
If Single Family, is the Association responsible for the landscaping around the homes?:
How Did You Hear About Us:
Who is your current Management Company?:
What are your concerns with the current company (reason for bidding)?:
Are there any common facilities (pool, clubhouse, tennis courts, etc.)?
How many board meetings are held per year (monthly, quarterly, etc.) and where are they held (onsite, management office, church, etc.)?
How often are you looking to have the manager do site inspections (weekly, biweekly, monthly)?
How Many Board Members:
Does the Association have any onsite staff? If so, what positions and full time or part time?:
Are there any committees of the board? If so, what committees?:
Is the manager expected to attend committee meetings?:
What services of the manager/management company are most important to you?
Are there any particular services or aspects of the community that you want the manager to focus on?:
Are there any major projects currently underway or planned in the next 3 years?:
Are there any major delinquencies?:
Is the Association on a calendar year for its fiscal year or some other schedule? If other, please specify:
What bank does the association hold it’s accounts with?:
When was the last reserve study done for the Association?
Are the reserves fully funded, partially funded or not funded at all?:
Approximately how many payables (invoices) are processed each month?:
What is the amount of the Association dues?:
Are dues monthly, quarterly, annual or some other frequency (if other, please specify)?
Are there any other sections, sub associations or neighborhoods that fall under the scope of this association?
Has the Board made a decision to make a change or is this just an investigation stage?
What will be the driving factor in the Board’s decision on which management company to go to (price, reputation, service, etc.)?:
If the Board has made a decision to change, what date would you want the new management company to start?:
What is the current year's budget?:
If you are human, leave this field blank.