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Benefits of Sarasota Property Management
Tuesday, January 14, 2025 at 16:23 pmTweetCategories: Condo ManagementWhich is better – self-managing a condominium association or hiring a professional condominium manager? This is a question that many associations face, and the answer isn’t always clear. While there are benefits on both sides, many have found that hiring a professional community manager is well worth the investment. Here are just a few of the benefits of hiring a professional company to take over condominium management in Sarasota and help you decide what’s best for your... [Read More...]
Tips for Spring Condominium Maintenance
Tuesday, January 7, 2025 at 23:15 pmTweetCategories: Condo ManagementSpring is just around the corner, and every condominium association knows that this time of year is the perfect time to start tackling some maintenance to work to get the property ready for summer weather. Though Florida winters are mild, properties still tend to need a little bit of extra TLC when spring rolls around. Here are a few basic spring condominium maintenance tips to get your condominium in top shape! Inspect your roof. Spring... [Read More...]
Start the New Year on the Right Foot in Your HOA
Tuesday, January 7, 2025 at 23:10 pmTweetCategories: HolidaysThe end of the year is often a stressful time if you’re on an HOA board. After all, many associations hold votes at the end of the year and financial statements are also due. In fact, you might be time to take a break by the time January comes. However, starting the new year right […]... [Read More...]
Saving Energy in Condominium Associations
Monday, December 30, 2024 at 19:51 pmTweetCategories: Condo ManagementSaving energy in a community association doesn’t require drastic measures or embracing an extremely different standard of living. From small, everyday changes to long-term renovations, there are several things you can do conserve energy. In doing so, you will not only reduce your impact on the environment, you will see significant changes on your bills. If you want to conserve energy in your homeowner’s or condominium association, here are several simple steps that you can... [Read More...]
How to Collect Delinqunt HOA Fees and Dues
Monday, December 30, 2024 at 19:48 pmTweetCategories: HOA BoardIf you manage a homeowners association, you know the importance of homeowner’s association fees and dues. These fees are necessary for covering common expenses, maintaining the properties and paying for any amenities the community offers. Unfortunately, not all homeowners are good at keeping up with paying their dues, and when someone doesn’t pay their fair share, everyone in the association is affected. When homeowners fail to pay dues and fees, it could result in shuttered... [Read More...]
Why People Choose to Live in HOAs
Wednesday, May 3, 2023 at 14:38 pmTweetCategories: Community TipsWhy People Choose to Live in HOAs People choose to live in communities guided by a homeowners association for a wide variety of reasons. Some are more common than others, but everyone who chooses a home in one of these areas has a reason for doing so.As a member of your HOA board, it’s important […]... [Read More...]
Choosing the Best People to Run Your HOA
Wednesday, May 3, 2023 at 14:33 pmTweetCategories: HOA BoardChoosing the Best People to Run Your HOA Whether you are part of an HOA board or you’re a homeowner who cares about seeing your association running well, you can understand the importance of making sure you get the right people in charge of the group. Even if that isn’t you, there are things you […]... [Read More...]
Handling Unhappy Homeowners
Tuesday, February 28, 2023 at 21:01 pmTweetCategories: HOA BoardHandling Unhappy Homeowners While there are many rewarding parts of being on an HOA board, one difficult aspect of the job is handling unhappy homeowners. Some people are always dissatisfied with those who have authority over them, but others might be legitimately upset or have something to say that you can hear and empathize with. […]... [Read More...]
Financial Responsibility in Your HOA
Tuesday, February 28, 2023 at 21:01 pmTweetCategories: HOA BoardFinancial Responsibility in Your HOA Sometimes, the stars align and everyone agrees about who should pay for what in an HOA. More frequently, though, people disagree about whose finances should cover what. This is particularly true when homeowners think that the HOA should cover a cost and the HOA thinks that the homeowner should cover […]... [Read More...]
How to Handle Changing HOA Laws When You’re on the Board
Friday, November 18, 2022 at 21:22 pmTweetCategories: Community TipsHOA BoardIt’s one thing when your HOA votes to change its own laws. When that happens, board members are almost guaranteed to understand the changes that are occurring and how they affect the HOA and the way the board works. However, changing municipal, state, and federal laws can be more difficult. Not only do you need […]... [Read More...]
Tips for Sticking to Your HOA Budget When the Unexpected Happens
Tuesday, November 8, 2022 at 21:12 pmTweetCategories: HOA BoardMost of the time, sticking to an HOA budget isn’t difficult. After all, most associations face generally the same expenses every year and they have ample notice when prices are rising or something else is going to change with how they spend their money. Sometimes, though, emergencies come up. If this is happening to you […]... [Read More...]
Decorating Your Neighborhood on a Budget
Monday, October 10, 2022 at 22:57 pmTweetCategories: Community TipsHOA BoardHolidaysMany HOAs go all out when it comes to decorating for the holidays. However, others don’t have the desire or the budget to do this. If this describes your HOA, or if you’re looking to save money even on a lavish holiday display, there are some ways to lower the cost of decorating for the […]... [Read More...]
How To Recruit Volunteers for Your Homeowner’s Association
Monday, October 10, 2022 at 22:44 pmTweetCategories: Community TipsHOA BoardMost homeowner’s associations are built on the backs of a number of volunteers. These people do everything from running the board to keeping the books to making special events happen and more. Without them, the association wouldn’t be able to do much of anything at all! Finding the right volunteers for your HOA can be […]... [Read More...]
How To Highlight Homeowners in your Association
Monday, October 10, 2022 at 22:37 pmTweetCategories: Community TipsHOA BoardOne of the best ways to build community in your homeowner’s association is to help people get to know each other. That way, they can form connections and, because they live close to each other, they’ll be better able to sustain that connectedness. While there are many ways to connect homeowners to each other, one […]... [Read More...]
How To Thank a Departing Board Member
Monday, October 10, 2022 at 22:25 pmTweetCategories: HOA BoardWhen an HOA board member is departing, it can be hard to know how to say goodbye. After all, this is someone who has given a significant amount of time and energy to the association and it can be difficult to know how to acknowledge that appropriately. Whether you are another board member or a […]... [Read More...]
Teach Your HOA Members How to Keep Costs Down
Wednesday, September 28, 2022 at 22:14 pmTweetCategories: HOA BoardNo one who lives in an HOA likes to see costs (and therefore dues!) go up. After all, everyone has bills to pay and plenty of places where they can spend their well-earned money. Giving more to the association isn’t usually top on anyone’s list of places to spend. If your homeowners are serious about […]... [Read More...]
Save Water in Your HOA This Summer
Wednesday, September 28, 2022 at 22:05 pmTweetCategories: HOA BoardWith droughts and other water problems popping up all over the USA, it’s time to start taking water conservation more seriously. Even if you’re already careful, it’s time to take some more steps to make sure you’re using water responsibly and leaving some for the generations that come after you. If you’re in charge of […]... [Read More...]
Electrical Tips for HOAs & Homeowners Alike
Wednesday, September 28, 2022 at 21:56 pmTweetCategories: Community TipsHOA BoardBoth HOA common areas and individual homes in an association need some electrical care now and then. If you’re on the board, you can make sure these things happen for the common areas and communicate the need for them to the people you serve. Keep Track of Electrical Issues One of the things you can […]... [Read More...]
Plumbing Tips For Homeowners & HOAs Alike
Wednesday, September 28, 2022 at 21:43 pmTweetCategories: Community TipsHOA BoardWhen you’re on the HOA board, you have to be concerned about the plumbing in common buildings and it’s a good idea to communicate with your homeowners about potential plumbing issues, too. Here’s what you need to think about (and tell your members to think about for their own homes!). Contact us at AMI if […]... [Read More...]
HVAC Tips For Homeowners and HOAs
Wednesday, August 10, 2022 at 23:44 pmTweetCategories: UncategorizedSummer is coming (if it’s not here already!) and even people who wait to use their air conditioners are turning them on again! Whether you’re communicating with homeowners or doing the best you can for the association, there are a few things you can do to keep your HVAC running well this summer. If you’re […]... [Read More...]
Fun Ways to Build Connections in Your Community This Summer
Wednesday, August 10, 2022 at 22:43 pmTweetCategories: Community TipsHOA BoardThe connection between members of an HOA community is important. Whether you’re a community leader or just a homeowner, the more you know the people around you, the more likely you are to invest in the community and try to make it a better place to live. Some people like events, while others prefer to […]... [Read More...]
Keep Your Neighborhood Safe on the Fourth of July
Wednesday, August 10, 2022 at 22:25 pmTweetCategories: Community TipsThe Fourth of July is a great summer holiday. However, it’s also one of the times of the year when people and property are most likely to experience damage. It’s easy for things to get out of hand, especially when alcohol and fireworks are involved. As a leader in your community, you can help make […]... [Read More...]
Top Skills For HOA Board Members
Wednesday, August 10, 2022 at 21:56 pmTweetCategories: HOA BoardWhether you’re on your HOA board, considering running for a position, or trying to decide who to vote for, it’s important to remember that there are certain characteristics that make people better suited to running your association than people without those characteristics are. Here are some of the top characteristics of good HOA board members. […]... [Read More...]
Events to Plan for Your HOA Board This Summer
Wednesday, July 27, 2022 at 18:11 pmTweetCategories: Community TipsHOA BoardIf you’re on an HOA board or the events planning committee, you know how important it is to gather your community together. After all, people are better neighbors to each other when they actually know each other, and having fun together is one great way to help people meet others in the area. Here are […]... [Read More...]
What Does The HOA Board Do?
Wednesday, July 27, 2022 at 18:00 pmTweetCategories: HOA BoardA lot of people live in areas with homeowners associations for years, but they still don’t know what the association does. They may not even attend any association events. Other times, associations are so “behind the scenes” that many of the homeowners don’t actually know what they do. Everyone in an HOA should know what […]... [Read More...]
What Does An HOA Management Company Do?
Wednesday, July 27, 2022 at 16:58 pmTweetCategories: HOA BoardWhether you’re an HOA board member or a homeowner, and whether you have an HOA management company or not, it’s important to know what one of these companies can do for you. That way, you either know who to call on for what type of issues, or you know where to go if you can’t […]... [Read More...]
How To Be An Awesome HOA Community Member
Wednesday, July 27, 2022 at 16:45 pmTweetCategories: UncategorizedWhen you’re on an HOA board, it can be hard to remember that you’re doing this job for a reason: to make the life of every single community member better. This can be hard when your community members are difficult or when they don’t know how to live well in an association. Help them participate […]... [Read More...]
How to Have a Successful HOA Community
Thursday, June 23, 2022 at 18:38 pmTweetCategories: Community TipsWhen it comes to running an HOA, an association that works well will have great benefits. The grounds will look great, the rules will be followed (mostly), and people will love living there. Here are a few characteristics of successful HOAs. Develop these and you will develop a community where people are proud of their […]... [Read More...]
Spring & Summer: Fun Community Events
Monday, June 13, 2022 at 17:54 pmTweetCategories: Community TipsHOA events can be a great way to help your community members get to know one another and help people love living in your community. They can also offer low-stress ways for board members to get to know other people who live in the community. However, you want to make sure that the events you […]... [Read More...]
How to Reduce Risk When Hiring HOA Contractors
Friday, June 10, 2022 at 17:29 pmTweetCategories: Condo ManagementWhenever you hire a contractor, there’s a risk involved. They may not do their job correctly or to your satisfaction. Or, in a few of the worst-case scenarios, they may take your money and run. This is bad enough when it happens to an individual homeowner. However, it’s even worse when you are in charge […]... [Read More...]
Lakewood Ranch:
9031 Town Center Parkway
Bradenton, Florida 34202
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Tel: 941.359.1134
Fax: 941.359.1089
899 Woodbridge Dr.
Venice FL 34293
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Tel: 941.493.0287
Fax: 941.493.4290
Longboat Key:
595 Bay Isles Road, Suite 200
Longboat Key, Florida 34228
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Tel: 941.383.3200
Fax: 941.383.3210