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Management Company Comparison Form

1How long has the management company been in business?20 years
3What do vendors say about the firm?Excellent
4Corporate philosophy and flexabilityFlexiable
5Understanding of governing documents and Florida LawExcellent
6Number of Associations verses Managagment5.2 - 7.5
7Does the company sell real estate? Handle rentals?No
8Client turnover.Few
9What is average experience of managers11 years
10Professional designations, CMCA, AMS, PCAM?All
11Technical knowledge of painting, landscaping, maintenanceExcellent
12Overall impression of manager assignedExcellent
13Administration and Support StaffExcellent
14Experience and qualifications of bookkeeping personnelExcellent
15Continuing education encouraged or required?Required
16General attitude of management firm's employeesGreat
17Clerical capabilities and supportExcellent
18Use of training programs: Employees and BoardYes- both
19Availability, access and communicationExcellent
20Accounting and financial systemsExcellent
21Financial records and financial statements (CPA's rating)Excellent
22Internal Financial controls and fidelity bondingExcellent
23Budget format and processExcellent
24Delinquency procedure and collections (Automated)Excellent
25System for handling after-hours problemsLive Person
26Managers report furnished at each meetingYes
27Rules and regulation enforcement systemAutomated
28Handling of Association employeesLeasing Firm
29General appearance of the management firm's officeExcellent
30Office equipment and computer systemsExcellent
Other Comments:
1AMI only firm to have one (1) assistant for each manager
2AMI as excellent facilities and support staff
3AMI office is impressive, comfortable and professional

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Lakewood Ranch  941.359.1134
Venice  941.493.0287
Longboat Key  941.383.3200