Our Blog
Hiring Condominium Management in Bradenton on Almost Any Budget
Wednesday, July 13, 2016 at 05:27 pmTweetCategories: Condo ManagementMany condominium boards mistakenly believe that professional condominium management isn’t in their budget. The truth, however, is that hiring a company that does condominium management Bradenton is more affordable than you may realize, and it’s often possible to get the services you need at a price that won’t break the bank. Every condominium board has different needs, and your board may not need a full-service management company, especially if you’re already handling several things successfully on your... [Read More...]
How Your Condo Association Should Handle Short Term Rentals
Tuesday, June 14, 2016 at 05:28 pmTweetCategories: Condo ManagementHome-sharing and short-term rentals have becoming increasing common due to the popularity of websites like Using services like Airbnb, people who are looking for a temporary place to stay can rent a home or even just a bedroom from a homeowner in their desired location. While these services are convenient for many travelers and they’re a nice way for homeowners to earn some extra cash, several conflicts can arise – especially when the homeowner... [Read More...]
Do’s And Don’ts of Homeowner Association Management
Tuesday, May 31, 2016 at 05:29 pmTweetCategories: HOA BoardManaging a homeowner’s association challenging, and at times, it’s a bit of a balancing act. On one hand, it’s crucial to create and enforce rules for the greater good of the community, but it’s also important treat residents with kindness and respect. To help you ensure smooth operation in your community, we’ve put together this list of do’s and don’ts of HOA management. HOA Management Do’s Get to know your community. The first step in... [Read More...]
Is Your HOA Ready For Hurricane Season?
Tuesday, May 17, 2016 at 05:29 pmTweetCategories: Community TipsJune 1st marks the beginning of the Atlantic hurricane season. Though peak season generally begins in the middle of August, homeowner and condo associations need to be prepared for the season as early as possible. The 2016 Atlantic Hurricane Season is predicted to be the most active since 2012, so it’s crucial to take steps to prepare your HOA for the coming months. Here are a few things you can do to ensure that your... [Read More...]
Tips For Enforcing HOA Rules and Regulations
Thursday, April 21, 2016 at 05:32 pmTweetCategories: HOA BoardWe all encounter rules on a daily basis: “Handicap parking only,” “You break it, you buy it,” or “No shirt, no shoes, no service,” just to name a few. We know that there are often consequences for breaking these rules, but what about breaking the rules where you live? Unfortunately for many homeowner’s association and community association boards, community members aren’t always worried about playing by the rules. As part of a HOA board, how... [Read More...]
Running a Successful Community Association Meeting
Wednesday, April 6, 2016 at 05:32 pmTweetCategories: Community TipsA successful and productive community association meeting requires advance planning and preparation. Meetings should be run in an orderly and professional fashion to avoid chaos, but organizers should avoid excessive formality which could discourage association members from attention. Productive meetings are essential for board members. They set the tone for future work, and they let board members know that they have successfully performed their duties and can proceed on future projects. Here are just a... [Read More...]
Should You Invest in Professional Condominium Management in Florida?
Thursday, March 3, 2016 at 05:34 pmTweetCategories: Condo ManagementWhether or not to invest in professional condominium management is a decision that nearly all condo boards in Florida will face. The benefits of professional condominium management in Florida are numerous, but they come at a cost, which leads many board members to wonder if they are truly worth it. Self-management is always an option, but it may not be the best in all situations. When community members manage the association themselves, they have greater... [Read More...]
Alex Hall, Carmen Condron, And Joe Dornquast Complete Pre-Requiste Course For CMCA Designation
Monday, November 23, 2015 at 05:35 pmTweetCategories: Company UpdatesAlex Hall is a Portfolio Manager in the AMI Lakewood Ranch office. Carmen Condron is an Onsite Manager at Lido Beach Club. Joe Dornquast is a Onsite Manager at Charlotte Square Condominiums in Port Charlotte. “It is rewarding to see professional managers work to advance their career to obtain the National Recognized CMCA designation for professional managers.” The next step to obtain the CMCA designation is to pass the comprehensive national certification exam.... [Read More...]
Rob Edgington Recieves AMS Designation
Monday, July 20, 2015 at 05:35 pmTweetCategories: Company UpdatesRob Edgington has received the Association Management Specialist designation (“AMS”) issued through the Community Association Institute (“CAI”). The designation requires completion of two (2) years management experience, satisfactory completion of two (2) advanced courses and adherence to a strict code of ethics. “Rob is an excellent portfolio manager in our Venice office and has received numerous compliments from his Association clients.” Said Douglas E. Wilson, AMI President. “He is an excellent communicator and gets along... [Read More...]
Mathew Wilson Receives PCAM Designation
Sunday, May 3, 2015 at 05:36 pmTweetCategories: Company UpdatesMathew Wilson, Vice President of AMI, joined the elite group of Community Associations Managers who have earned the Professional Community Association Manager (PCAM) designation from the Community Association Institute (CAI). Mathew is one of more than 1,600 managers nationwide who have earned the highest level of professional recognition in the Community Association field. Mathew is the third manager at AMI to receive the PCAM designation after Donna Jordan and Douglas Wilson. CAI is a national... [Read More...]
Advanced Management Expands Longboat Key Office
Monday, February 23, 2015 at 05:36 pmTweetCategories: Company UpdatesAdvanced Management of Southwest Florida, Inc. (“AMI”) announced that is relocating to Suite 200 in the Mediterranean Plaza building. AMI had an initial smaller office in the building and needed to expand its office facilities to accommodate existing clients and future growth as well as increases in staff. The expanded area will accommodate future growth of up to eight (8) additional staff members to better serve AMI clients on Longboat Key. AMI has recently expanded... [Read More...]
Lakewood Ranch:
9031 Town Center Parkway
Bradenton, Florida 34202
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Tel: 941.359.1134
Fax: 941.359.1089
899 Woodbridge Dr.
Venice FL 34293
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Tel: 941.493.0287
Fax: 941.493.4290
Longboat Key:
595 Bay Isles Road, Suite 200
Longboat Key, Florida 34228
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Tel: 941.383.3200
Fax: 941.383.3210