
Our Blog

Spring & Summer: Fun Community Events

Monday, June 13, 2022 at 17:54 pmCategories: Community Tips

HOA events can be a great way to help your community members get to know one another and help people love living in your community. They can also offer low-stress ways for board members to get to know other people who live in the community. However, you want to make sure that the events you […]... [Read More...]

How to Reduce Risk When Hiring HOA Contractors

Friday, June 10, 2022 at 17:29 pmCategories: Condo Management

Whenever you hire a contractor, there’s a risk involved. They may not do their job correctly or to your satisfaction. Or, in a few of the worst-case scenarios, they may take your money and run. This is bad enough when it happens to an individual homeowner. However, it’s even worse when you are in charge […]... [Read More...]

How to Hire the Best Waste Management Company for Your HOA

Wednesday, June 1, 2022 at 17:23 pmCategories: Condo Management

When you’re on the HOA board, things you never thought about before, like hiring waste management companies for your entire neighborhood, can suddenly become your job. If you’ve never done this, it can be stressful. Here’s what you need to know to get a great company that your neighborhood will love. It’s All About the […]... [Read More...]

The Lowdown on Hiring HOA Roofers

Thursday, May 26, 2022 at 18:54 pmCategories: Condo Management

Hiring a roofer for your HOA is different from hiring one for a single-family home or a business structure. Because HOAs often have very particular rules that must be followed when it comes to roofing and because the projects can be more extensive than other types of roofing projects, it’s important to get the “just […]... [Read More...]

What Does an HOA Contractor Do?

Tuesday, May 17, 2022 at 17:03 pmCategories: Condo Management

Most homeowners’ associations work closely with a number of contractors. These people provide various services, such as trash pickup, physical maintenance, landscaping, and more. Each association will work with different contractors, because every association has a wide variety of needs. However, all HOA contractors have a few things in common. Become HOA Specialists Many of […]... [Read More...]

Everything You Need to Know to Hire a Great Landscaper for Your HOA

Thursday, May 12, 2022 at 17:21 pmCategories: Company Updates

Most HOAs use the services of landscape experts to improve the look and ambiance of their HOA. Hiring the right person for the job is important, because you want your landscape to look great without paying way too much. Here’s what you need to know about HOA landscaping companies so you can find the best […]... [Read More...]

How to Handle a Lawsuit as an HOA Board Member

Thursday, May 5, 2022 at 17:03 pmCategories: HOA Board

Lawsuits are just part of life when you’re on a HOA board. Disgruntled homeowners can be quick to sue, whether they are justified in their suit or not. And there are always lawyers willing to take their money, even if they don’t have a case. If you’re worried about getting sued or you’ve just been […]... [Read More...]

What Does an HOA Auditor Do?

Wednesday, April 20, 2022 at 17:52 pmCategories: Condo Management

Is your homeowners association due for an audit? Maybe you have to have one every year, the members called for an audit this year, or you need to have one done because you’re making changes to the way your association is run. No matter your reason for getting an audit, it’s important to understand how […]... [Read More...]

What Does an HOA Certified Public Accountant (CPA) Do?

Thursday, April 14, 2022 at 17:47 pmCategories: HOA Board

If you are new to living in an HOA, or new to being on an HOA board, you may not realize just how closely many boards work with certified public accountants, or CPAs. However, since tracking money and spending it wisely are two key aspects of what an HOA board does, it makes sense. Here’s […]... [Read More...]

What Does an HOA Attorney Do

Monday, April 4, 2022 at 17:42 pmCategories: Condo Management

Most HOA boards contract with a local attorney who understands HOAs and the laws and regulations governing them. These lawyers also familiarize themselves with the governing documents for the individual HOA, both to ensure compliance with state and local laws and to best know how to work with the HOA. Not sure a lawyer is […]... [Read More...]

How HOA Members Can Help Their Association Run Well

Friday, April 1, 2022 at 17:34 pmCategories: Condo Management

It makes sense to most people that every member of an HOA board has a specific role to play in the functioning of the community. However, many people don’t think about the fact that every association member helps the whole group function better. Here’s what association members who are not on the board can do […]... [Read More...]

What Does an HOA Community Manager Do?

Tuesday, March 22, 2022 at 21:30 pmCategories: HOA Board

While some HOA boards choose to run their community on their own, others hire management companies to help them out. These companies generally assign one person – a manager – to work closely with the HOA board. The HOA manager has a number of different roles. These can vary based on what the particular community […]... [Read More...]

What Does an HOA Committee Do?

Wednesday, March 16, 2022 at 21:30 pmCategories: HOA Board

In addition to the regular board members, many HOAs also have committees that undertake certain tasks. These committees can serve a number of different functions, depending on the nature and scope of the particular association. Here’s what everyone needs to know about how committees work and what they do. Tackling Specific Tasks Committees are tasked […]... [Read More...]

What Does an HOA Member-at-Large Do?

Tuesday, March 8, 2022 at 20:59 pmCategories: HOA Board

Sometimes, HOAs have members beyond the President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. These members are called “HOA members-at-large” and they also have specific responsibilities. Here’s what board members and homeowners alike should know about what these important people do. What is a Member-at-Large? A member-at-large is an HOA board member who does not have a […]... [Read More...]

What Does an HOA Treasurer Do?

Tuesday, March 1, 2022 at 20:52 pmCategories: HOA Board

Understanding the different roles on an HOA board can help the board make sure that everyone there is contributing. It can also help people interested in being on the board to decide what roles they might want to play. Here’s what is usually expected of the person who is the treasurer on an HOA board. […]... [Read More...]

What Does an HOA Secretary Do?

Tuesday, February 22, 2022 at 19:02 pmCategories: HOA Board

The HOA secretary has an important role to play in making sure the association runs well. Many people think that secretaries simply take notes, but they actually do quite a bit more than that. Here’s what everyone in an HOA should know about the secretary’s duties. Maintain Accurate Records It is the secretary’s job to […]... [Read More...]

What Does an HOA Vice President Do?

Monday, February 14, 2022 at 18:46 pmCategories: HOA Board

The vice president of a homeowner’s association board has an important role. While some people aren’t quite sure what to do with this position, this person is a key player in the association. Much of whether the HOA is a success or a failure comes down to how well the vice president does their job. […]... [Read More...]

What Does an HOA President Do?

Tuesday, February 8, 2022 at 18:26 pmCategories: HOA Board

Whether you have just been elected to the HOA board, you’re new to an HOA and you want to know what’s going on, or you’ve been around for a while but you’re just catching up, it’s important to know how your HOA works. You can start by understanding what an HOA president does. The Voice […]... [Read More...]

Explaining an HOA to New Members

Tuesday, February 1, 2022 at 18:16 pmCategories: Community Tips

People who already live in an HOA can take their association for granted. After all, they already know what it does and why it’s there. However, new people may not understand the role of the HOA. It can make their transition easier if there’s someone around whose job it is to explain life in an […]... [Read More...]

How to Handle an HOA Board Member Holdover

Friday, January 28, 2022 at 18:55 pmCategories: Condo Management

Most of the time, being on an HOA board is pretty straightforward. You follow the procedures set out for you and you do your best to meet people and make them feel welcome in the neighborhood. However, sometimes unusual things come up. One of these is an HOA board member holdover. What is an HOA […]... [Read More...]

Homeowners’ Rights in an HOA

Friday, January 21, 2022 at 18:43 pmCategories: Condo Management

Homeowners who live in an HOA have many rights, though some may not be familiar with all of them. Whether you are on the HOA board or you are simply a member of an HOA, it’s important to know what these rights are. That way, you can advocate to make sure that everyone has them […]... [Read More...]

What Happens When Someone Doesn’t Follow the Rules in an HOA?

Saturday, January 15, 2022 at 17:51 pmCategories: HOA Board

Most people who are on HOA boards aren’t there just to enforce the rules. In fact, many of them really don’t enjoy this aspect of their job. While making people play by the rules is not always fun, it’s an essential task if an HOA is going to function well. It’s also easier if everyone […]... [Read More...]

Training New HOA Board Members

Wednesday, January 12, 2022 at 17:51 pmCategories: HOA Board

It’s important that HOA board members, whether new or old, know what they’re doing and how the association works. While they may know some of this when they get elected to the board, the truth is that they can’t know everything. Developing a training protocol for new members will help bring them up to speed […]... [Read More...]

The Best Reasons to Join an HOA Board

Tuesday, December 28, 2021 at 21:50 pmCategories: HOA Board

Whether you are recruiting other people to join you on your HOA board or you’re trying to decide if you should run for a position on it yourself, it’s important to know why people might want to participate. That way, everyone can make the decision that is best for them and the most interested and […]... [Read More...]

Everything You Need to Know About Reserve Funds

Saturday, December 18, 2021 at 21:39 pmCategories: Condo Management

Most HOA board members know that the association has a reserve fund, and they may even know why it’s there, but that doesn’t mean they know how to manage it properly. Here’s what every HOA board needs to understand when it comes to their reserve fund. What is the Reserve Fund? The reserve fund is […]... [Read More...]

The Essential Components of a Successful HOA Board Meeting

Saturday, December 11, 2021 at 21:29 pmCategories: HOA Board

If you’re new to being on your HOA board or you feel like your meetings aren’t as effective as they could be, try the following strategies. Making sure your meetings are running well will help motivate people to attend them and will help your whole organization work more efficiently. Have an Agenda An agenda is […]... [Read More...]

Keeping HOA Board Meeting Minutes that Matter!

Wednesday, December 1, 2021 at 21:29 pmCategories: HOA Board

Most HOAs keep minutes of their meetings. This is standard operating procedure and is likely required by the governing documents, as well. However, many board members don’t know just how important the minutes can be. Here’s what you need to know to make sure you take good minutes and have minutes that can withstand any […]... [Read More...]

Common Mistakes HOAs Make About Money

Thursday, November 11, 2021 at 20:44 pmCategories: Condo Management

One of the key tasks of an HOA board is to handle the community’s money. It comes in via dues, but the board has to decide how best to spend it for the good of the entire community. However, sometimes board members don’t know how to best spend the money they are entrusted with, or […]... [Read More...]

Common Mistakes HOAs Make When Setting Up Contracts

Monday, November 8, 2021 at 20:21 pmCategories: Condo Management

If you’re on a HOA board, you will eventually need to help your association set up contracts for services. These might be ongoing services, like snow removal or trash pickup, or they might be one-time services, like sprinkler installation or pool repair. No matter what the service is, make sure you avoid the following mistakes. […]... [Read More...]

Common Mistakes HOAs Make When Setting Up Committees

Friday, November 5, 2021 at 20:14 pmCategories: Condo Management

Most HOA boards work with committees of homeowners to achieve certain goals. There might be a social or an events committee, a landscape committee, a social media committee, and more. Every HOA can tailor their committees to work for them, so they are maximally effective at running their community. However, it’s not enough to just […]... [Read More...]



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9031 Town Center Parkway
Bradenton, Florida 34202
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Tel: 941.359.1134
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Venice FL 34293
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Tel: 941.493.0287
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Longboat Key:
595 Bay Isles Road, Suite 200
Longboat Key, Florida 34228
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Tel: 941.383.3200
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